Free time

Todays free time was so so fun, I had enjoyed playing basketball with almost the whole class and Mrs.Bless. We made teams of I think 6 or maybe 7. The team captains were Davyon and Josh, Josh chose me as his first pick followed by Chris,Sammy,Zenaida, and Diego D. A lot and I mean it, a lot of people were getting fouled mostly because the kids who were playing usually played soccer and didn’t know how to play like me I know what types a fouls there is, but what in the world does double dribble and travel or half court violation etc?

What does this double dribble mean most of all !?

What does this double dribble mean most of all !?


As you may know I am in Florida, and now me and my mom are in St. Lucie visiting a couple of friends. First we went fishing in a river. We were using shrimp and raw meat as a bait instead of worms. It felt like hours no one had caught even one single fish. Until my friend caught a Puffer fish, and 15 minutes later I caught a huge Stun fish. It was soooo heavy and pretty big. As I was trying to pull the venomous fish up to shore, my mom was taking several pictures of the creature. When I finally got it up I was sweating all over my face and my arms were light red. When my mom put it back into the water with a knife because if she touched it it would have paralyzed her big time. so as she threw it in my other friend said I caught a river monster, like from the show.

Thats  Jeremy Wade

Thats Jeremy Wade

It was much bigger than that. And also those spikes can kill you.

It was much bigger than that. And also those spikes can kill you.


Slice of life / My soccer game

Today me and my friends on the team were playing against 11 year olds. I played center midfielder the whole game and had three passes that were made for goals. There was one minute left in the game and I had the ball what was on my mind pass the ball to Alex or try scoring by myself. WHOOSH I kicked the ball to Alex, with timing he quickly kicked it with his left and scored the game winning goal to make it 4-3 and to advance to the next game.imgres